
I like to travel, f*ck with technology, and partake in the occasional tropical drink.
I am also a co-host on The NBD Show podcast.
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Encrypting your email has always been for the geeky or super paranoid. Now with everything in the "Cloud" encrypting your email is even more crucial. Imagine every email you've ever sent or received saved across countless servers in scores data centers any where in the world. By encrypting your email you can use their infrastructure with out them monitoring your emails.

I wouldn't say I wear a tin foil hat, but I care about privacy especially my own. Steve Gibson had a listener sum it up pretty well on his podcast, "One might say I have nothing to hide from people I trust." So with that said lets dive into setting up email encryption on the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Mail client.

First step is to generate a certificate. I went to Comodo and found it to be very strait forward to set up and free.

Here is a couple of Certificate Authorities (CAs) that offer free email certificates.

Click on the Free Email Certificate button

Fill out the form and Click Next

They will send you an email once you get the email click on the link and download it. 
Note forsome reason   on Mac downloading the cert using Chrome broke it.  I used Safari and it worked great.

Once you have accepted the cert on your desktop you can open keychain and export it.  During the processes it will prompt you for a password that is used to encrypt it.  This password will be needed later when you install it on your IOS device.

The final step is installing the cert on your IOS devices, and I found a post that does a very elegant job of walking you through it.