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Defcon Safe Mode (my thoughts)

By   WirelessPhreak      Tuesday, May 12, 2020      Labels: ,  

Defcon is Canceled!

The meme that never dies finally became a reality. I have attended Defcon for nearly 2 decades and every year I am excited to see friends but dread staying in Vegas. This year my dread turned into mourning. After Jeff's initial COVID post, the progression of the pandemic, and the physical conference cancellation, I feel Defcon is more important than ever.

Most con attendees identify Defcon as a way of life just not a conference. It is our responsibility to keep Defcon alive, share in the intellectual, the consciousness, and the bonds that make up Defcon. If this means meeting in smaller groups locally or hanging with friends online we can still make Defcon, Defcon...

**One Idea**
Perhaps, depending on the state of the pandemic locally, DC groups could throw classic Defcon parties. DJs, drinks, and attendees bring a Defcon badge from any year to be admitted. Of course, the badge idea could be a loose requirement since we wouldn't want to exclude anyone who hasn't been to Defcon. It might be a cool way to locally create that Defcon atmosphere.

About WirelessPhreak

Just your everyday Packet Wrangler who enjoy's traveling and anything techie...